- June 17, 2019
- Paper abstract submission deadline
- June 22, 2019
- Paper submission deadline
- Aug 10, 2019
- Paper acceptance notification
- Aug 27, 2019
- Camera ready submission deadline
All above deadlines are based on the Anywhere on Earth time.

Applied Research Papers
Notice: Applied research paper submission deadline is 23:59 (Anywhere on Earth time) of June 22, 2019
- Introduction
In order to promote the application and impact of frontier AI and big data technologies in real industrial scenarios, CIKM 2019 features a new track, named Applied Research Track, to attract submissions from both industry and academia that either solve or advance the understanding of issues related to deploying AI and big data technologies in the real world.
The Applied Research Track is distinct from the Research Track in that submissions focus on applied work describing the implementation of a system that solves a significant real-world problem and demonstrating the real impact. Submissions must clearly identify if their work has been deployed in production or not, and for how long, with evidences. Infrastructure work enabling the deployment of an applied research work also falls in this category. For applied research work has not been deployed yet, the valuable insights or lessons derived from the ongoing deployment process are expected, including the deep understanding and the impact estimation of an applied research domain.
- Topics of Interest
We encourage submissions of high quality descriptions of novel applied research works on knowledge management, information retrieval and database.
The topics of interest for this track include but not limited to the following:
- Business Intelligence (e.g., Advertising and E-commerce, Finance, Marketing and Crowds, Recommender systems)
- Social Network and Social Good (e.g., Crowdsourcing, Network sciences, Social good, Social media and publishing, Social sciences, User modeling, Web mining)
- Healthcare and Bioinformatics (e.g., Bioinformatics, Clinical Decision Support, Clinical Research, Healthcare and Caregiving, Patient Empowerment)
- Computing Infrastructures (e.g., Big Data infrastructures Cloud,Map-Reduce, MPI, Data protection, Design of experiments, Interpretable models, Large-scale optimization, Scalable algorithms)
- Emerging Applications (e.g., AI in Education, Internet of Things, Cyber Security, Intelligent Transportation)
- Submission and Review Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit original applied research results that have not been previously published, are not accepted to be published, and are not currently being considered for publication in any other conference or journal. Submissions do not need to be double-blind, i.e., authors' names and affiliations can be included in the submission if desired, but they are not required. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically, as PDF files of 6-9 pages in length, formatted using the ACM camera-ready templates. Papers should be submitted through the CIKM 2019 online submission system. To facilitate review, each paper should provide the topics that it belongs to.
The review process for these submissions focuses on identifying the applied research results expected to be of most interest to the audience of practitioners in attendance. In addition, we also particularly welcome applied research works that fit the CIKM'19 theme of AI for Future Life.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference before the final version submission deadline, and must attend the conference and present the paper as scheduled in the conference program.